
Hey there!

Welcome to this little corner of the internet.

I have the opportunity to work with and meet many people, all different kinds of people – at their best and worst. I have found that I am in love with the human spirit; it amazes me. I have also learned that there are many ways to live this life, that my opinion is not the end all be all, and that each of us is living a journey filled with light and darkness. Some express more light, and others are more dark, but it is there for everyone. I have also noted that we, all of us, no matter how much money we have or how we look – we are so much alike. We all experience the same array of emotions – albeit we react/respond differently.

In my journey so far, I have frequently philosophized about why two people go through seemingly the same event, and one person crumbles and does not cope well, and another somehow moves forward seamlessly? Why do some people find it necessary to belittle and target others? Why do we do the things we do? And why do we react the way we do? Why do some people live with a secret agenda to hurt others in order to feed their own ego and need to be seen.

My observations have led me to this critical answer – It has much, if not everything, to do with resilience and emotional intelligence.

Situational awareness, self-worth, self-kindness, ego, and experience are just a few things that aid or deplete resilience. In our busy modern lives, our resilience is especially at risk. We have little downtime for thoughts to ponder and linger – for reflection. I know it sounds cliché, but as a firm believer in the power of self-care, I’m dedicated to inspiring others to prioritize their mental and emotional health – to safeguard and build their resilience.

”’With a background in working with people, being a parent and spouse, a child and a sibling, a meeting member, and a breadwinner, I bring a unique perspective and a wealth of knowledge to share. I understand the challenges of juggling multiple responsibilities and the toll on one’s emotional self-assuredness – well-being, and health. Through my content, I aim to provide practical tips, inspiring stories, and thought-provoking insights that empower individuals to embrace authentic self-kindness as a way of life, not a facade, to be intentionally attentive.’With a background in working with people, being a parent and spouse, a child and a sibling, a meeting member, and a breadwinner, I bring a unique perspective and a wealth of knowledge to share. I understand the challenges of juggling multiple responsibilities and the toll on one’s emotional self-assuredness – well-being, and health. Through my content, I aim to provide practical tips, inspiring stories, and thought-provoking insights that empower individuals to embrace authentic self-kindness as a way of life, not a facade, to be intentionally attentive.

Resilience is vital to my philosophical thoughts and approach. Life is full of ups and downs, and it’s in our ability to adapt and bounce back that we find true strength. Whether it’s through sharing personal experiences or exploring scientific research, I strive to equip my efforts with the tools to cultivate resilience and navigate adversity with grace.

Join me on this journey towards a life filled with goals of self-kindness, growth, and inner peace. Let’s figure out how to maintain and build our resistance. Together, let’s create a world where taking care of ourselves is not only encouraged but celebrated. After all, when we nurture our own well-being, we’re better equipped to show up for others and positively impact the world.

Until next time, Koi Monkeys



